Friday, January 05, 2007


I start school in only three days! Monday! I'm actually very excited about it. When you're 17 you don't really care (or at least I didn't care much), but when you're a bit older (only a little!) it matters. Suddenly you're very tired of serving people. Tired of retail and customer service. Tired of being the underling. By golly, it's time to be the boss! I want to be the professional, not the assistant! But I have to have a degree.

Even though it seems too late, or it seems like a strange time to go back to school, I would rather do that than resign myself to years and years more of retail and customer service. I will be the non-traditional student who pushes the grade curve up because I'm studying and trying very hard. The student with the pink calculator.

I will be there on time, even when I worked until 2:30 a.m. the day before. I'll just drink more coffee (I've really cut back lately, so it should work for a while). I will ask questions, even if I think it might not be a smart question. Somebody else might be wondering the same thing. I will make friends, hopefully ones my own age.

And I will learn. Maybe someday, I'll even pick a profession. (I know my major, just not exactly where to go with it... there are so many options!.. I think.)


Daisy Ditzy Do said...

Wow! Good for you!
You're going to do great.
I'll be praying for you.

aimee said...

Thank you Laura!!! That's awesome!